terça-feira, outubro 23

Clown Rules

Foto: Why Not Institute (Londres)

1. Don’t act like a clown, be a clown!
2. Give till it hurts!
3. You should feel more comfortable in your costume than you do in your own skin!
4. A clown is not a slave to fashion!
5. A clown is both unique and universal!
6. It’s more important to think like a clown than to look like a clown!
7. Clown and the whole room clowns with you!
8. Don’t talk down to the children!
9. Never let them see you sweat!
10. Practice!
One last clown rule: If you can’t laugh at yourself, you’ll never be a clown!

Turk Pipkin in "Be a Clown!"

3 comentários:

Dalaila disse...

verdade! com ou sem nariz, quaquer clown sente isto, que nem precisa de pensar

Anónimo disse...

seu ganda clown!

patologista disse...

Oh palhaço! Já foste para a minha lista!

‘Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.’

‘Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.’